Strawberries By Tiffany

I don’t know who was more proud of this pretty plate of chocolate covered yumminess. Momma or daughter?
She bought the strawberries and chocolate with her own money and in a little smidgin’ of time between school and band practice, she made these chocolate covered strawberries.
She’d never done this before.
I didn’t have time to help her. I was finishing a wedding dress for a fitting.
She didn’t look for instructions online.
She just did it.
To some it may seem simple and mundane.
To me it is EXTRA.
And my favorite part (as she dipped and arranged the berries on the plate) was when I overheard her say,
“This turns a really difficult day around and makes it good.”
Sometimes it’s the little things that make a difficult or even very ordinary day…
just a little EXTRA!
Be extra-ordinary.
It just might turn a difficult day around and make it good.
What a sweet, talented girl you have! I’m sad she had a really difficult day, but I’m glad she found something creative to do to help turn it around! Beautiful job! Love her!
Esther, I was proud of her too for realizing that staying busy in a productive way is good for emotional well being.
I’m proud of BOTH of my trophy women!
Trophy women!!!????that cute little pun from when Tiffany was little, certainly stuck.
I’m proud of your trophy family.
Aahh, thank you Keith. The trophy story is a fun one. I should tell it some time.
A beautiful plate of chocolate dipped Strawberries! They look so delicious, wish I could just take one.
Have a wonderful day when things may be difficult.
Thank you so much Donnie. She has gotten really good at dipping these. And right now, the berries the stores are selling are huge.
They are beautiful and how sweet she is. I love her little saying. Kathi
Ah Kathi. The wisdom of children and teens touches my heart over and over.