
Is You Dead?

Is You Dead?

Marrying at the age of 19 is young measured by today’s standards, but in 1936, it was just perfect for my mother.  My daddy, age 21, took mother as his bride and they became a team. Faithful to each other for 61 years, they shared the highs and lows of marriage and family and faith. This photo taken in…

When she said I'd lose my southern girl card

Happy New Year!

I’ve enjoyed watching as we’ve scrolled through social media, discussing and posting our chosen word… “word” for the year… like EASY or MINDFUL or KIND. Oohhh, those are all so very good. “You know in a world where you can be ANYTHING, be KIND.” It’s EASY and MINDFUL to be KIND. I love new beginnings…

boy reading timberdoodle board book
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Board Books from Timberdoodle and the sweetest littles ever in the history of ever!

One fine day, we had books and toys and blankets all strewn about the living room and imaginative play consistent with a preschool boy and a huggable little baby brother was moving full steam ahead. When everything grew quiet, I realized he had dragged a lawn chair into the room. The legs of the chair…