Board Books from Timberdoodle and the sweetest littles ever in the history of ever!

One fine day, we had books and toys and blankets all strewn about the living room and imaginative play consistent with a preschool boy and a huggable little baby brother was moving full steam ahead.
When everything grew quiet, I realized he had dragged a lawn chair into the room. The legs of the chair were positioned at just the perfect distance to fit a seat beneath the behind of a little boy as he read.
Now, I’m not one single teensy tiny bit partial. I just state the plain and simple facts.
I mean… I DO!!! If I’m ANYTHING…I’m HONEST!
Fact: My little grand-miracles are the sweetest tiny things in the whole entire world.
Fact: I love all the cute little things they say and do.
oh and
Fact: They say the MOST absolutely “DARLINGEST” things EVER…in the history of ever.
For example, (after asking me how I spell my name) “Good job for spelling your name, Nana.”
Fact: They are so squeezable and loveable and FUN!!
Fact: It is pure joy to find toys and books and activities that I think would make them happy and play creatively. I’ve found that washing machine boxes are the perfect size for little boy forts and “hideyholes”. I mean, doesn’t every little boy need a “hideyhole”? I thought so too.
Several months ago, as a review blogger for Timberdoodle, I was given the opportunity to review a set of three board books. They sent me a set for my honest review. You can read that review here. Timberdoodle is a curriculum company that provides materials for learners of any age. I have found their products to be the best of quality and design. You can view an online catalog here.
Recently, Timberdoodle offered another review opportunity for a fourth book to complement the previous set of three. Knowing the quality of the books and how much little ones enjoy them, I jumped at the chance. This fourth book in the set features firetrucks. My little grand-miracle who is loves “reading” books, is also fascinated with firetrucks, so I knew it would be perfect for him.
I love the size and detail of the drawings and the brilliant colors of each book. It is an added bonus that the pages won’t tear since they are a board book design. Each page is FULL of drawings to stimulate a small mind’s imagination.
They aren’t filled with words but instead colorful detailed drawings. One book is all about the farm. Another book features construction equipment. One of the books has drawings of race cars. And this newest one is all about firetrucks.
My little grand guy will set for the longest time just looking. And it fills my heart with such joy to see him looking at books at anything, actually. You can read that story here. As I watch him “read” or as I read to him, I wonder what is going through his tiny mind that he isn’t saying?
If you are looking for a set of books for small children, I highly recommend this set for a child who isn’t reading words. It would definitely stimulate a child’s imagination. You can order a set here. I was given a set as compensation for my honest review. You will not be disappointed in the quality.
I know this set of books will be enjoyed for years to come by two little boys who love loud things that go zoom zoom!
And just because I know you’d love to see another cute picture…
I’ll oblige!
You’re welcome!

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How much fun you must be having with your little Grandmiracles and the Timberdoodle books. They look so colourful and interestingly enough. Many fun memories!
Donnie, I am so very thankful! I am blessed.
How precious! I love seeing him carefully studying each detail of the pictures! The book looks great for a little guy like him! ❤️❤️❤️
Esther, I do TOO!! It just blesses my heart so much.