
A walk in the dark

A Walk In The Dark

A walk in the dark couldn’t hurt… …fluttering leaves on the trees over hung the sidewalk of our picturesque street. Streetlights did not light the section on which I was walking. I could see light ahead and if I looked over my shoulder, I could see light behind. I had to go thru the dark…

Back to school and holding out hope

Girl Yer Uhmazin’

Y’all I’m trying. I really am. I have this habit of dropping the “ing” from words and saying “in”. And it’s hard. I’d much rather say, “Y’all I’m tryin’. I really am. I’m tryin’ to stop droppin’ the ing from words.” Sigh. Do y’all do that. Do you say innit for isn’t it? I dunno…this…

Black lives matter picture of inspirational quotes.

When I’m Weak

I stepped slowly across the threshold for the back door and swatted it closed behind me. I wandered aimlessly to the dining room. It was hot. I was weak.. and hot. But still… When I’m weak, I sit and wait. Then I meandered to the living room and plopped down on the sofa. My eyes…


I’ve Heard It Said

I’ve heard it said, “Don’t get your “knickers” in a wad. (Sort of… or something like that… because really, what are “knickers”*snicker*) Sometimes your heart and mind can be so full that it’s hard to form words and express thoughts. Emotions carefully kept guarded behind the everyday duty of life can become so common place…