Was it YOUR Best?
Just do your best.
Mother raised me on those words.
To my “perfectionisticly”
fragile soul,
(yes, I’m pretty sure perfectionisticly is a word but if it isn’t it should be, just say you saw it HERE first)
those words freed me
in so many ways.
my best
isn’t necessarily perfect,
in fact,
not much is perfect.
I was thinking about that phrase earlier
and putting it through the filter of today’s responsibilities.
What will my best be today?
We had a two hour school delay
due to inclement weather,
so that changed the course of plans.
But I can still give my best.
I can be flexible and let my best fall under flexibility.
I can still be kind.
I can still reach out to others.
I can still follow through on tasks
as much as my new schedule allows
and know at the end of the day I gave it my best.
What is your best?
Maybe it’s to just get out of bed.
To take the first step across the room.
Maybe it’s just saying “NO”
this time
in this moment
to a temptation
that takes you down.
Maybe it’s your first baby step to a new you.
Or just simple staying the course…
being faithful,
dependable and reliable.
Why do we compare
what we know is our best
to someone else
and what appears to be their best?
So here we are.
I’m trying
to give today my all.
It isn’t perfect,
but it is my best.
How is your day?