What It Means To Be An American Citizen

I was asked to write an acknowledgement to be read at a ceremony honoring a lady who has become a naturalized citizen of the USA.
The ceremony took place in another state and I was not privileged to attend, however it was my pleasure to assist in honoring her for this accomplishment.
Whether you are an American by birth or by choice, may you feel joy as the celebration of freedom rings across America.
With permission, I share today, this acknowledgement that I wrote for her celebration.
What It Means To Be An American Citizen
You are an American Citizen now. We celebrate with you today. Those of us who are American by birth applaud you and welcome you. We honor you for your choices and hard work that brought you to this moment, a moment etched in time.
America is known as the Land of Opportunity. As you know, many nationalities and cultures are the face of an American. My great-great-grandparents came from England and France and Germany and though I am an American by birth, at one time, my ancestors stood on the threshold of hope and freedom just like you are today.
Though they were distinct individuals with strengths and unique abilities, they came longing for the new beginning offered here.
So when you came to the United States of America as an individual with character and integrity, you most likely came with hope for a bright future. And along with that hope you also brought strengths and unique abilities.
You brought abundant experiences, and perspective from a life lived beyond these borders of what is now your home.
You are an individual who is special and crafted by God for this moment. As God’s eyes scanned the horizon of time, He knew that you would be needed here. So plans have fallen in place and dreams have been fulfilled for this time when we celebrate with you.
Being an American doesn’t strip you of your heritage or your unique experiences and talents. It doesn’t take away your purpose in life.
Oh no, when you came bearing those rich experiences and wonderful talents, and then CHOSE to become American, you chose freedom, FREEDOM to be uniquely you and free to pursue life, the life you long for.
You are free to celebrate liberty and fulfill your purpose, and you’re free to pursue happiness, the happiness you will find in serving others.
Though you are one individual, unique and gifted with talent, now you choose to become one of us and stand for the freedom we all hold so dear.
Each one of us, uniquely individual, standing together with others, united and undivided in our purpose for freedom, THAT is an American.
So I say Welcome and Congratulations!!
May you find great happiness in fulfilling your purpose as an American.
May you feel the ring of freedom tolling deep in your soul.
God bless you
God bless the United States of America.
Such a beautifully written expression of what it is to be an American! Happy Forth of July!
Thank you so much, Esther.
Thank you so much, Francis!
Beautifully written.
God Bless American, our President, all our citizens who strive to make our Republic Strong and Free.
Yes, totally Donnie!
Very cool tribute and write-up for a new citizen! This post should be used as an example of the best America has to offer, from the new new citizen bringing fresh new energy, to the existing citizen welcoming their diligent efforts with open arms.
Aah! Thank you! Philip, I agree. I think the true American spirit welcomes all who are willing to work hard to fulfill their dreams and stand united..