How to Decorate a Deck with a Faux Rug

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Have you ever needed to decorate a deck with a faux rug?

Have you ever used a faux rug for a facelift?

I did once…but not on MY face, though.

I’ve been thinking about all the people who’ve been hit and impacted by Hurricane Laura. It is heart breaking to think of the loss.

I drove through a storm the other day.  It was bright and sunshiny at home when I jumped in our big black Denali and turned the front wheels toward Interstate 70  West. 

I scrolled on my phone with my thumb to get the navigator app to show me how long it would take to get to my destination. That was before the hands free order in Indiana. I was a little astonished when a solid red triangle popped up on the screen with a message that read: “A route to your destination cannot be located”.



I verified my address.  

I scrolled the screen with my thumb and clicked.

Again, the solid red triangle popped up on the screen with a message that read: “A route to your destination cannot be located”.

I repeated that process four times with the same results and then I did what I always do when I’m helpless…(haha), I called Philip.  Bless his precious and caring heart.  He ALWAYS rescues me. 

“Well, now that’s weird,” he said.

In my mind I could hear my mother’s voice from long ago, “Rachel, when there’s a will, there’s a way.”

So Philip found a way…and I proceeded.

I proceeded toward bright flashes of lightening as they split the sky ahead. The dark tumultuous clouds churned against the brisk wind.  Before I knew it I was driving in rain that was blowing sideways, almost.

And then in just a New York minute, as quickly as I drove into the storm, I drove out of it.  There was no sign of rain or a storm anywhere. It was behind me.

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As I drove, I thought about this neglected deck project from earlier in the summer. This deck looked a little sad and forgotten and forlorn. It needed to be spruced up on a budget, so by shopping the house and hitting the clearance rack at Big Lots and Walmart and just a teensie bit of creative effort, I was able to make the deck happy again!

Don’t you just love it when your projects turn out happy…after the sad and forgotten and forlorn?

After the storm…when the storm is behind you?

faux rug vinyl tablecloth

But y’all…that rug!!! That colorful, pineapple splattered rug…it’s a $4.00 vinyl tablecloth!!! Seriously! It’s just stapled right to the deck floor. Apparently everyone that sees it, loves it, and can’t believe it’s a vinyl tablecloth. It adds the perfect pop of color and ties the space together with a cozy summer vibe.

So that’s how I used a faux rug for a facelift…on a deck that is and decorated a deck with a faux rug.

That sad and forlorn and forgotten deck…well it reminded me of the yucky storm and the happy sunshiny day on the other side.

I trust that all the people who have been impacted by Hurricane Laura, can hold out for hope on the other side of the storm also.

Yes, sometimes life is sunny and then a storm pops up outa nowhere…but there will be sun on the other side…just wait a New York minute…or a few.

Have you every used a faux rug for a facelift or decorated a deck with a faux rug?


Thank you so much sweet friends for your comments and shares and likes. I really appreciate all of you in our online community.

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  1. I love this happy little deck, faux rug and all! It gives me ideas for what to do to my patio! My heart goes out to the hurricane victims, too. What they’re facing is so very difficult.

  2. What a great idea and it looks so cozy and welcoming! The pillows match the “rug” so well! Nice job! I like the way you write too.

    Back in the 70s when my church had a decorating ministry, we used to staple sheets onto walls, instead of wallpaper. It worked really well. I thought about that when I read you used a tablecloth for a rug! Voila! Magic!


    1. Katherine, How awesome to have a decorating ministry. That is a great idea. As well as using sheets for wallpaper. I have used fabric in similar ways.

  3. No, but the deck does look very cheerie and inviting. I love porches and decks. Enjoy the sunshine after the storm and rain.

    1. I know Sharon, I agree! Once you see a different way to use an item, it really makes a difference in your creativity!

  4. I’ve always wanted to put a rug on my deck but I thought it would get all squishy and rot with the amount of rain that we have. I’m envious of those who can do this. I love yours – love the colours.

    1. Carol, you could try this idea and see if it would work for you. It would be a very small investment if you didn’t like it.

    1. Linda, one of my sisters lived on the coast of Florida for 31 years. 2 years ago she moved to Virginia. It is such relief!

  5. Absolutely brilliant idea. So simple and so effective. loved the whole post – I have memories of the tail end of a tornado hitting the northern part of Delaware when we lived there over 25 years ago, scary.

  6. Danielle – when I saw the title of your post I’d never heard of a faux rug. This is such an amazing idea and I never ever would have though of it. What a fabulous outdoor space you have … I’m going to try a faux rug!!! xo

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