Be A Fountain

Have you ever gone hiking, you know, the really rugged kind of hiking?

The kind of hiking where you hiked past water fountains…or sat on the terrace steps, mesmerized as the misty spray danced before your eyes?

And have you shrugged your shoulders and grinned back from ear to ear at the ones hiking behind you, as you ducked under a water fall?

And have you hiked along the cobblestone sidewalk that meandered beside the little stream as your flip flops pitter pattered against the smooth surface?

And have you looked for unique orchids and other botanical specimens growing underneath the glass domed roof?

I know it’s hiking of the worst kind.
But, I’m guessing that not one single time, on your hike around the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center, that you looked at your fellow hikers and said,
“Hey, let’s go find the drain!!”
Be a fountain!!!
P.S. Did any of that make sense?
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It all made sense! You are a fountain to me and so many others, I’m sure! Love both this challenge and you!
Thank you Esther. So sweet of you.
I enjoyed my hike with you around the beautiful gardens through and behind the waterfalls.
Have a refreshing evening as you sit on the bench and relax.
See it was a fun hike, huh, Donnie?
That’s a cool perspective.
Thank you, MaryAnne.
That’s fun! We were there several years ago for a homeschool convention! And yes, I went hiking around through the fake scenery and along the fake river. I didn’t think to look for the drain, though!
Wait what, Karla??? You hiked in fake stuff??????? I did truly love all the botanicals and water features.
A very interesting perspective that gives some good food for thought. Beautiful pictures as well!
Thank you so much, Rachael!
Very good way to look at life. My kind of hiking, too. Reminds me of a beautiful botanical garden near us.
Kristen, this place is gorgeous!
Loved this! Beautiful, refreshing pictures! Not much hiking going on in AZ right now, too HOT!
Oh, yes Michele, I understand about not wanting to hike in the heat! This was indoor and cool and pleasant!!! You know, the hard kind of hiking?