How to Make a Farmhouse Inspired Planter

What in the world are you supposed to do when everything you see has possibility and potential?
I mean, after all that cute little box left over from gift giving was just simply toooooo darling to toss in the trash.
Please tell me you have cute little cardboard boxes sitting around too?
The other day, I was opening a box of “fake velveeta”…or should I more aptly say, “store brand”?
As I was attempting to separate the top from the bottom of the box, all I could think about was how fun it was going to be to have another cute little cardboard box to repurpose.
Suddenly, it ripped!
“THE STORE” must have caught onto the crafting shenanigans of like minded “upcyclers”, because “the store” had stuck a little teensy tiny dab of glue right on the end of the box to secure the top to the bottom.
I mean, whoever heard of such?
That’s what my mother would say when she was disgusted about something. And I guess I picked it up too, because she didn’t want us saying “four-letter-words“.
But anyway, once I took the Valentine decorations down in the shop, I was just craving some fresh green life, so I dug around in my craft stash and floral supplies and came up with this adorable little farmhouse inspired planter from a box.
Now, if I’m anything, I am easily entertained, and hopefully you are too. I wanted to inspire you with just how cute and easy this little project is.
You can watch the video here.
Or you can watch this version to see how it looked when it was finished.
It is just so fun and easy to take something ordinary and make it just a little extra!
Would you make a project like this?
Your little planter is beautiful! You make it look easy to do, and I love how you just kept adding things until you had it just right! I love it! Thanks for sharing!
Aahhh. Thank you for that. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Esther.