Here’s the Scoop on the Membership

Four months before we got married, I started my business, creating, organizing, designing, decorating, and I look back on those days with amusement…a mere 20 year old…quickly realizing I was doing MORE THAN HELPING ladies with their HOMES, I was helping them cope with LIFE.
I tried to inspire them to live an extraordinary life through simple shifts in their way of living and thinking.
Oh the stories I heard of overwhelm and depression and seemingly insurmountable obstacles and piles of laundry and wayward kids and a job they hated and unpainted walls and unfinished projects and relationships gone awry…and me being me…held these stories close and pondered them and tried to help where I could…tried to listen, tried to relate, but mostly I tried to care and love. And when you care deeply you hurt deeply. And when you are creative, there HAS to be a solution for EVERYTHING…
And marriage to a wonderful man and life and college and babies and growing children and schedules and dreams and expectations of others and ethics and honor carried us along and my wonderful man finished college and passed state boards and we started another business.
And we rose to the challenge and pressed in and pressed on and life carried us along through keeping our word and business accomplishments and reversals and miscarriages and betrayals and immense loss and holding on to faith and trust and love and hope that on our dark days, with the rising sun, things would look brighter.
Except sometimes things don’t really LOOK brighter and you expand your reach. You regroup and try again and you’re never failing…when you’re trying…even if the outcome is different than you planned.
And I began to realize that I had a story to tell…and I had to step up to the plate and accept that life was passing by and the ups and downs and highs and lows would always come and go
and I needed to inspire “MY VERY own SELF” and take my very OWN “20 year old” advice
and live like I believed my words to others, that OUR family could live an extraordinary lifestyle right in the big fat middle of all the ordinary.
Do you feel life moving so quickly that you wonder if you’re fulfilling your purpose?
Are you so busy that you overlook the miracle moments all around you? Are you consumed with fear of the future and the dread of Monday and the chaos of being too busy?
Then come sit by me!!!! I’m your girl! I get you! And aaaaalllll your stories, I hold them close. They are precious to me too, just like they are to you.
I don’t have everything all figured out, but I do know that you’re bigger than your circumstances and you can live in an extraordinary way to fulfill YOUR purpose.
If you’re living and breathing you have purpose. You have influence!
I’ll come along side you and guide you through the details and coping mechanisms that I have developed across the years to stay sane and productive at home and in business.
I believe that creativity is a mindset… a way of thinking differently about a situation or how to solve a problem.
I’m excited to extend the invitation to you to join me in an interactive Facebook community where you will be inspired to live an extraordinary lifestyle by creating a haven of comfort and joy!
You will be encouraged to ditch the overwhelm by focusing on being your best for yourself and those you influence. Your circumstances may stay the very same, but you can renew your mindset and live an extraordinary life right in the big fat middle of all the ordinary around you!
I’ll share all my tips and tricks for “survival”! *sigh* I’m just joking! Sorta!
Membership includes:
- a thriving and active community, charter members from the beginning of the membership who infuse each other with encouragement and inspiration
- seasonal decor & DIY ideas
- budget friendly entertainment & organization simplified
- AND any other topic that I deem necessary and appropriate on any given day…you know just to mix it up a bit and keep things lively and interesting…and creative…because that’s what I do!
As an added bonus you can submit questions on your creative needs to be answered in a monthly Q & A.
You will maintain founding membership pricing for the duration of your membership.
You’ll receive 10% membership discount for all Going Creative custom design services.
You’ll have members only behind the scenes seasonal home/shop tours.
You’ll receive free access to all Going Creative Tutorials both exclusive and public. You’ll be first to know the latest. Because I believe you are special like that.
You’re gonna love it here. You are important. You are special. Your needs and challenges matter.
The founding member price is $29 per month!
This is a monthly recurring paid membership.
You may cancel at any time…but you’re not gonna want to!
I’m delighted to have you join and look forward to living creatively along side you.
Membership will open on August 1, 2022 when I upload a secure payment button. You may join at that time by subscribing.
Membership will close on August 5, 2022. After that you may join a wait list for the next opening.
Once your subscription has been submitted you will be invited to join the exclusive Face Book group. Be watching for that invitation next. All the creativity and new content will begin to roll out on August 15, 2022.
If you have more questions, message me at [email protected].
I hope you will join. I’d LOVE to have you. It is inspiring and encouraging to be part of something that stimulates you to live creatively above your current circumstances.
I’m looking forward to seeing you on the inside!
So that’s it in a nutshell. It’s fun, it’s inspiring and I don’t want you to miss a minute.
No matter what, you CAN live creatively!
I’ll talk to you soon.
I’m excited about this! I love how your suggestions have helped in so many areas of my home and life in the past and I am excited about this expansion! I’m looking forward to August 15!
Esther, I’m excited too!! It has been fun to help you when and if you ever needed it!
WOW Rachel! You are and amazing lady! With a deep understand of people and caring about their needs while dealing with your own. I’m so sorry for all of your losses and disappointments.
Thank you for your enthusiasm of showing and inspiring us to make our homes places to peace and comfort.
I’m looking forward to the new season of “Going Creative” Have a wonderful day!
Donnie, thank you for your kind words. I don’t feel so amazing but I do love helping people find solutions!