Fall Decor and Five Fabulous Finds

It’s so easy to add a splash of fall decor to any space.
Fall decor is seriously such an easy way to add a cozy vibe to your home.
Fall decor is everywhere. Whether you shop at Dollar Tree or Walmart or Saks Fifth Avenue, it is so easy to add touches for each season. It is so super duper easy to add splashes of fall decor. (And in full disclosure, I have added affiliate links in this post from which I could earn commission with no additional expense to you.)
And anyway, who in their right mind doesn’t fully expect to prance into Saks and purchase cotton stalk blooms?
But before we get started decorating and all, did you know that according to a buzz feed quiz or some other “totally reliable” online source you can determine your personality based wholly on how you nibble corn from the cob? I mean, after all, these are important things to know. Right?
I tried to go back and find the quiz for you but buzz feed must have determined that it wasn’t an accurate personality test or something. I couldn’t find it. If you’re needing a little mental adjustment to be ready for fall, here’s this.
Aaannndd, I totally side tracked. Now back to business.
I wrote one post where fall just sneaked right up on me and caught me all of guard.
So let me tell you, can I be all about myself and say this year, yes, this year… I’m prepared. Now don’t laugh. I’m trying to stand straight and tall and all “grown up like”, like I’ve got it all together.
I’ve been perusing aisle six at Walmart looking at all their fake sage green pumpkins and plastic cotton stalks and the totally classy ivory daisies with glittery and beaded centers. Then there is the plethora of fall merchandise to obtain from the lovely venue of Amazon. I TOTALLY intend to be prepared for fall and bonfires and s’mores and hot cider…without running around like a crazy lady.
So I’ve got a plan to add splashes of fall decor as I go along. Then when fall is here, I’m ready.
Now in the nature of total honesty, I don’t plan to decorate with orange that screams at me in the dark, but as the weather wears itself out toward chilly nights, I do find myself longing for the depth and texture of warm colors and earthy elements.
If you live in Indiana like I do, and not South Texas or a few degrees North of the Equator, it is highly likely you are sensing the change of season from summer to fall. And I’ve gotcha covered. I’m prepared. I’ve pulled together a list of five fabulous finds to add a splash of fall decor to your space.
(These are affiliate links. If you purchase through these links I will earn a commission at no additional expense to you. I’m supposed to tell you that.)
These cotton stalks would be so pretty in a vase on the mantel. Because there are 6 stalks in this package, they can also be used in other arrangements on your dining table or your front porch.
These little carved pumpkins would be so cute arranged on
large wood slices which add a rich and rustic vibe.
These beautiful flameless candles bring a wonderful ambiance without the worry of an unattended flame.And finally no fall evening by the fire is complete without a cozy throw to curl up in for comfort and an extra dose of extra extra cozy on the side.
If you click on any of the highlighted words, you will see my five fabulous finds to add a splash of fall decor.
So how about you. What plans do you have for your fall decor?
Thank you for subscribing and following along. I appreciate all your wonderful comments and likes and shares so very much.
We can feel Autumn creeping into our evenings. I’m enjoying the warm colors I’m starting to see in the vegetation out my windows.
Have fun getting ready for Fall so when it’s here your ready!
Donnie, I know what you mean. We are having chilly mornings and evenings with perfect weather days. It is interesting to see the trees and other things begin the slow change to fall.
I love your idea of adding splashes of color and texture along so that you’re ready when Fall arrives. The five finds you shared are lovely!
Esther, Yep!!! I wanna be ready to sit by the bonfire and roast s’mores!