Why Do I Wonder These Things?

So after having all day today to think about the post I did last night
about the wishberries, I began to wonder…
what if I were a wishberry, so to speak?
Have you ever wondered that?
Have you wondered what it would be like if you were a wishberry?
I know…that’s a crazy thought. What if you and I were battered by rain and wind or the innocent breath of by standers or kicked around with a heavy leather boot by the wiles of living?
What if the seeds of your life just turned loose and floated, floated away?
It’s kinda freaky really if you think about it, because that is happening constantly to you AND me.
The seeds of our lives are spreading influence.
Influence for good, or bad, or indifference.
Where do those seeds go?
Actually, where have they gone?
Has my influence mattered?
Have I had a positive effect on others?
Have I brought joy or encouragement?
Have I been faithful?
Have I been trustworthy?
Have I bloomed where the seeds of my life have fallen?
In all my failings as a wife, a mom, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a daughter in law, a mother in law, a nana, have I still had a positive influence?
We really can’t control life not really, not absolutely.
We can do our best, our very best, with our circumstances, and let that be good enough.
The wishberry seeds are blooming where they are planted.
Such a good thing to ask ourselves and to think about! The answer to each of your questions is yes, you definitely do have a positive impact!
Esther, it’s amazing to think of how imany places the dandelion seeds go. I guess the influence of our lives would be no different.