
The text that came to me stated: “To say that I am terrified is an understatement. I appreciate all the prayers.”
Then later, after reading the tagline for an online business website, I leaned my head sideways and rolled my eyes to the left and furrowed my forehead. I mean, isn’t that what everyone does when they question the logic of what they read?
The tagline was this
…the absence of fear is courage…
After contemplating this tagline idea for a few days as we were riding home from church one Sunday I mentioned to Philip what I had read.
Immediately he kind of gave a chuckling half laugh and said, “I say the absence of fear is stupidity.”
Then from the back seat I heard her soft and pensive voice say,
“Well, I believe courage is going ahead and doing what you need to do in spite of fear. That is courage.
I’m in complete agreement with you, girl.
I admit, I’ve been swatting some fear right in the face.
Haven’t you?
There’s the fear of failing and
the fear of what if and
the fear of what will people say…
…or think…
the fear of not enough resources to complete the project and
the fear of not knowing how,
along with a plethora of fear not mentioned here.
So I started looking at scripture about fear and in every one that I read, when God commanded us to not be fearful, he also promised that he would always be with us. I think…because we are human and He obviously is not, it’s hard to imagine His Presence always providing and protecting in a way that our fear is truly relieved.
What are some of your fears?
We were on the way to school the other day and Tiffany told me something she was afraid of talking to a teacher about at school that day.
And we discussed this very this thing…
…just stare your fear down.
I told her, “You just go in there and say it, scared or not. Face your fear and talk to the teacher. You walk in there and know that God is with you even if you don’t feel it.” This is our promise.
And you know what? She did. And she had new understanding…because she faced her fear… her fear of feeling stupid and intimidated.
I’m taking a lesson from that. I’m going to remind myself of God’s presence even if I don’t feel it.
I’m swatting down fear.
If I don’t try, I’ll never know the outcome. I realize the example of Tiffany talking to her teacher probably seems small and insignificant to the things that you are facing. At least that’s what you’ve told me. But to a teenager it was huge. And you’re facing big big stuff. So take baby steps. Start small. I believe your courage will grow.
At least that’s what I’m doing.
What fear are you swatting down?
“She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future? Proverbs 31:25
Still waiting on all of these to be published in a book! Your message, as always, is a very good one!
You are just so amazing, Rachel!
Cheryl, you are a constant encourager. Thank you! I am honored by your confidence. You are at the top of the list to know about the book. Please pray for me regarding that.
Another good pondering post. Dwell on God’s promises.
Thank you so much. DONNIE!
Very well written. Thank you for this Rachel. I needed to hear this at this time.
Love you friend
Teri, I’m so glad you found it helpful. Thank you for your kind words. Love you too.
I love that you studied scripture and found that God said he is always with us in each situation. What an encouraging reminder! Precious girl you’ve got there! Love you both!
Esther. It just really struck me that HE said not to be fearful because HE was with us. It really stood out to me this time. I think she’s pretty special too. Love you.
Yes, I saw that in a fresh way when you wrote about it! Knowing that really helps, doesn’t it!
Yes, it really does, Esther.
Words of wisdom backed by scripture!! We all need this reminder, even though we know God is with us, when the storm winds whirl around us it is the fear that stands out. We must keep in mind HE is always there especially in the storms.
Thank you, Tommie! Sometimes we struggle in the storms with the reminders, I think!
So very true. Keep writing !
Thank you, Donnie!
Anyone who remembers their childhood knows how brave your daughter was. Approaching a grown up? High on the fear ladder. Thank you for reminding me what courage is.
Yes Dorothy, I remember those days too. I’m so glad she talked to her teacher!
Wonderful wisdom ! Our Creator will always stand by us no matter the situation! : ) Rachel, your post is delightful!!!
Yes, Gail, I believe that our Creator is always with us also. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you so much for your kind words.